Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Peeps

Happy Holy Week!(A week set aside to remind us that bad things happen to good people)

Has everyone stocked up on peeps for the coming Easter weekend? Here in Kingston the peeps are filling up the kitchen to overflow.Now we bigin! With 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Barred Rocks and 2 Rhodes Island Reds we are chicken people. Our 6 chicks are very small but growing rapidly in their kitchen gerbil-home. Unfortunately, it will be six months until they prove their worth, depending on whether they are hens or cocks, of course. Sacks Feed assures me that this particular supplier has a very good record of providing hens so we can only hope for no offering to the hatchet! The next big agenda is the tractor but it will not be put into use for another 5 weeks so I have time. I did order some plans just because I think it might save me several mis-measurements. I will keep you up to date on my progress.

Along with chicks, Spring is supplying lots of lovely flowers and weeds. The rain this week is slowing down my yard projects but last week I had a great day exploring Seattle with my ESL student and enjoying the delicate beauty of Spring in the Northwest. It is always fun to see home with new eyes.

This week has time for plenty of indoor projects and Easter preparations. We are planning a brunch at Lynne's since she is still a bit inbound. Anita will be there, as will Colin. I am looking forward to starting April with celebrations and smiles. March did not start as well as we might like (roof gymnastics).

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