Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving and onward

Thanksgiving Day is done. Great food and great company were shared and Kyrsa had another birthday, which is always better than the alternative and reminds of that she is a very special daughter and sister. Those who were not there were talked about - always better than what is said to your face! - and we are reminded to give thanks for all the gifts we have in our days.

I could mention the reasons for my personal thanks, children who are spectacular, health for all those I love and days that are secure and safe. In looking at the world around us, we are definitely the most fortunate. So many adventures and explorations in our pasts and the ability to make more as part of our futures. Thanks enough to remember for the next 12 months.

I could go on and on and on but right now I am most thankful for the return of my computer from the repair shop. My being away from cyberspace for more than a week has very little affect on the world but made me feel more isolated and powerless than I would have imagined. Though little was done to my old machine, it returned with no loss and a tiny bit of improvement so for that I am VERY thankful.

Now we look ahead and see the holiday season beginning. Make fun and play with your days. It is a season of giving love and remembering. That really is what makes the Christmas holiday special, not material gifts but reminders of caring and loving. This fall I thought allot about gifts and their importance. While moving things around to lay the cork flooring, I realized how much of my home is about gifts received. Everywhere I look I see a painting or picture given by someone to me with love. When I get dressed in the morning I choose jewelry to make me smile because it reminds me of the special person who gave it to me. I clean out a bag and see another thought or feeling shared in a card or poem; each of these is a reminder of a rich life with wonderful memories, laughter and hugs that continue to give long after their original receiving.

Now do not take this as extra pressure but as the very opposite. This holiday don't worry about what to give but how to remind others that you are thinking about them often and loving them. Every time you send an message through email or post, call on the phone or take time to visit is a special gift of caring. Make this holiday a special time to say hello to friends near and far and to let them know they are in your heart and mind. As busy and hectic as life gets, we are always happier when we think more about others than about our own concerns- the best gifts let us think of each other and the love we share. So... share laughter, cooking, time and fun all this coming month because it is time to celebrate the season. No excuses now!

Love, Mama Llama

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