Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy February Days?

What a great Monday morning it is when I hear from the hearts and minds of those I love most. After beginning the winter clean up in the garden last week, I woke to snow on the ground this morning. Where do I live? But still, we ARE to February already.

I am reminded as to why Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras are set in February.This time of the year we all need reminders to love and to laugh. After the gray and cold of December and January, crankiness sets in to our bones. As a stretching exercise to keep the bones from getting stuck in cranky, keep "doing" that art. I am also placing a challenge to be taken up by each and everyone of us. I challenge us all to:
1. Start each day naming 5 things we are happy to have in our lives
2. Say "I love you" at least once a day
3. Say "thank you" at least once at home and once out in the world of STRANGERS
4. Be kind rather than right and then smile when it works out better!

That it the challenge and the end of my sermon. I had a busy weekend with tree spraying, a wonderful symphony evening and a day of fiber show sales in Seattle. The show was great fun, since I made everyone come to visit me. Alex, Sofia, Sam, Marketta and Jeff even stopped by to say hello. I met great women artist and received inspirations from them. I was inspired to new projects and reminded that I really do not enjoy selling. One thing that always makes me happy is the opportunity to create what I want to create without thinking about marketplace issues, though I do enjoy chatting with strangers!

As February rushes through us, combining frigid days with brief promises of sun, seeing the beauty of it all is our salvation: little gems of discover around us.The globes floating in the trees are a reminder that we are all together in the world- Maybe those grocery bag balloons are really alien parachutes-they do seem to land everywhere from Kingston to the "stans". Take time to play, eat chocolate as a health food and look for more art and surprises in the "garbage" of February.

mama llama

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I can be nice to STRANGERS in February! Maybe if there is enough chocolate and wine :)
